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Showing posts from June, 2011

Dance, love, live

Went to see some relatives with my mom in Pärnu and while in the neighbourhood went to Kurgja, a small place near Vändra which is  also the birthplace of C.R Jakobson and there's a museum for him, the place is in the woods, there are fields, farm animals, a river with a mill and a beautiful long bridge. The air is fresh and boosts with natural energy. We went to see a play. A piece by Eugene O'Neill " Desire under the Elms " produced by Roman Baskin. I have seen "Long day's journey into night" by O'Neill and I plan to read more of his work. All his pieces have passion, tragedy and unseen twists. Rasmus Kaljujärv, Katariina Lauk and Felix Kark played the main characters and they were fabulous in their roles. The plot is about the thin line between love and hate. People don't often recognize the line, feelings change so quickly they don't realise they can't take back their actions any more. The tragedy in O'Neills plays comes from his ...