Went to see some relatives with my mom in Pärnu and while in the neighbourhood went to Kurgja, a small place near Vändra which is also the birthplace of C.R Jakobson and there's a museum for him, the place is in the woods, there are fields, farm animals, a river with a mill and a beautiful long bridge. The air is fresh and boosts with natural energy. We went to see a play. A piece by Eugene O'Neill "Desire under the Elms" produced by Roman Baskin. I have seen "Long day's journey into night" by O'Neill and I plan to read more of his work. All his pieces have passion, tragedy and unseen twists. Rasmus Kaljujärv, Katariina Lauk and Felix Kark played the main characters and they were fabulous in their roles. The plot is about the thin line between love and hate. People don't often recognize the line, feelings change so quickly they don't realise they can't take back their actions any more. The tragedy in O'Neills plays comes from his own life, with the colorful but tragic life he had, it's no wonder, his work is so versatile. Even with the humour the play was mainly dark and serious. The staff was very pleasant and during the break self-baked delicious bread was given to the audience.
The final weekend of may was full of dance! We went to Aruküla with our crew on friday, first to perform at a fashion show and then to Kaspar's place for a BBQ. Next morning early wake-up and hitchhiking to Tartu. Me and Gerly definitely were too confident, we always travel by hitchhiking and get on within 5 minutes, so this time karma said hi, we waited for about two hours, so when we at last were almost in Tartu, we got a phone call that the pre-selections in hip-hop category just started. They put us last in line. We ran like crazy through the old town of Tartu to Club Illusion and actually made it. Luckily! Me and Gerly made it to the finale! Other people from our crew did well too, so it was a great day, in the evening exhaustion-jokes caused us a funny busride home. Little sleep and next morning a practice and a performance on Liberty Square during the 30th Old Tallinn Days. After that went to Keila to another competition, to compete in hip-hop battles again.
Another week, had a performance in a small town called Klooga. At first it seemed very random and unorganised But the kids really wanted to see us and wanted to dance too. After the performance we danced and played with them. They were so sincere and positive, asked questions and wanted to learn. This kind of attitude is so fresh. The organisers were happy and thankful, left with only positive feelings!
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