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Life's a trip every day

On thursday we went to the comedy club again, first guy was hilarious, but the headliner not so much, we all saw he has a disability, but making jokes only on that topic just was not funny. Luckily we had to leave early, to meet the others in Bent Willey's, as it was cold (yes october started and the weather is free-zing, ab 6 degrees, windy, raining, no wonder we're one after another getting sick). Because of the cold, the balcony was closed, which usually creates the awesome atmosphere in Bent, but they had some competitions, Hugo (France) scored at beanbag throwing so the whole bar got free shots, I was competing in hula hoop twirling, another great thursday evening out.

Kane brought his guitar to the house, the guys were playing and we were all singing, I have missed music like this! I was teaching Emnet curbing and other vocal techniques, it's awesome to practice myself.

Had a freaky experience, when out of random woke up at 5am, shaking, I am pretty sure I had a fever, it felt cold but hot at the same time and I was pretty much hallucinating, at some point managed to fall asleep and felt better in the morning, so still decided to go to Pittsburgh with Kane, Tim (Taiwan) and Natsumi. We went to a science center where we could try out pretty much everything connected to science and entertainment combined, it was interesting, I mostly enjoyed the roller coaster stimulator we went into with Natsumi, didn't know which difficulty to take, so the girl working there told she's gonna give us her favorite.. and it felt so real, we were screaming and laughing like crazy! Went to eat and I basically got a Korean/Chinese cuisines course 101, it was informative and and the food was incredible (I'm becoming excellent in eating with chopsticks)!

Back at Morgantown, went to dinner at Mountainlair with Kane, Eugene, Emnet, Tim and Natsumi, decided to go bowling and ended up playing ping pong... for hours! I now have the ping pong ball written “legendary” on it, because it was just a perfect time!

Later at night Kasumi (Japan) got sick and needed to be taken to the hospital.. luckily Kane was still there and by car.. so we went, and oh gosh.. Michelle (Usa, our second RA) didn't come, so a bunch of international students, we didn't know the hell about the system there, or the lack of the system) We were taking care of her.. not the doctors.. every member off the staff came and started asking the same questions, not doing anything to face the problem exactly, when she at last fell asleep because of the medication, we got some food from the drive in and had a picnic in the hospital. We went there about 1am and got away 7am... Luckily Kasumi is fine and safely back in the house,

The Mini World Cup was supposed to start today. (Soccer competitions between teams of students) We promised to support the guys, so went there 9am, because of the weather they postponed the game.. it's rescheduled for next week.. which is a good thing, the guys were practicing together as a team for the first time.. and I believe they have a good chance!

Why I love living in a small dorm? It's more like a house, group of friends living together. When feeling down or just bored, there is always someone who can lighten the mood, in some ways we're like a family already!

"Into the wild" is an amazing movie! And it felt really good.. downstairs, when there were a lot of people, it felt almost warm and under warm blankets, comfortably on sofas.. until.. the "carbon monoxide" alarm sounded and they forced us go outside into the 5 degrees windy, raining weather, we were standing there in the rain.. bunch of people, pissed off, covered with blankets, about 6 people under one umbrella, singing, one guy was playing the guitar.. we were just singing and laughing and exhausted.. and waiting for the stupid emergency car to come and check the situation so we could get back into our house finally.

Talk about our pregnant weather. Went to sunbathe on a dock at the riverside with Vivi (Denmark) and Ashley. (yes it is october, I'm not in an exotic country, and I still can get sunburnt, and 2 days ago it was 5 degrees.) Walking back bought some italian ice-cream.. re-fresh-ing!! Went to dinner at Lair with Eugene and Emnet, met with Maputi (Nigeria) and her friends and spent the other half of the day outside as well, watching guys play soccer (eyes could rest) and just goofing around. At night went to Kanes'. Me and Tito invented a legendary drink! (that sadly makes you feel not that great in the morning.. or like.. afternoon).

Saturday was another game day, WVU vs Connecticut State, yes of course we won!! and WVU is still a team that plays first half kind of bad, kills it in the second half and wins big! The game was at noon, after last night I basically woke up to Jessicas' call, got dressed and out of the house in 10 minutes.. We stopped in her friends place to tailgate, for some food and for Ashley and me - coffee, walked to the stadium, joined traditional IHouse sector 205, sunbathed and enjoyed the game.. beautiful!

In the evening went to Coldstone with Emnet, Ashley, Jessica and Sabrina (China). Coldstone ice-cream is better than Ben&Jerry's and that is something! Had a girls night, little technical difficulties at first but managed by ourselves to connect all the cables and the movie playing. (Our video-system is a bit tricky, usually we let the guys deal with that) "Pride and Prejudice" it was! Always a great choice. Classy, eloquent, just that era, it's exquisite! Our reaction on the alternative ending, we were such girls.. and Zeshans reaction on us, priceless! Bit after midnight went to play pool with Kane, Eugene and Juen, a great thing about living downtown, can go anywhere any time.. hadn't played pool in a while, yes it showed, and letting two Chinese be on the same team.. Proved us in the last game, when we were all desperately chasing for the black ball.

Sunday.. Peter was visiting Morten from Canada, by car which he parked on friday and hadn't seen since then, when we wanted to start driving to go to the lake nearby, he discovered it was gone.. We had no idea what to do, or where to call, tried different places, anybody either didn't pick up or had no information, until police suggested it may be stolen.. which still sounded a little surreal, went back to I-House, searched info from the internet and finally with Kanes help, found the right towing company.. the bureaucracy in US - as slow as possible! He waited a long for them to call back, meanwhile the guys figured out where they were holding the cars, and wanted to go steal it back as well.. And meanwhile we were watching "Dirty Dancing " from ABC, another classic, a great movie that even guys can watch. 

Also, there was our first game of Mini World Cup. I-House vs team Malaysia. Firstly, I-House team is strong together, the guys have great energy and team chemistry and they play really well, in the first 5 minutes they scored 4:0, another 25 minutes they could chill.. Chris our goalie demonstrated it well.. the ball practically didn't get near our side, so he was sitting down. I hope they play that well in other games as well! In the evening it was Italian culture night, nice presentation by Paolo and Lorenzo and Italian cuisine.. risotto, pasta pesto, tiramisu! Italian guys can cook! So worth waiting for and delicious!! PS! Check out a comedian mr. Russell Peters! PRICELESS is an understatement.

The guys wanted to repeat last semester and get all our Asian friends to go out. Another house-party at Kanes place. Some of them most definitely went out for the first time, but it was so fun. They taught us some cool games and we danced and had the best time until the neighbors complained and sent the security to calm down the party. Headed to “Cellar” for a latin party. Of all days stayed up at I-House with the guys after, talking and watching movies until five o'clock, never mind I had to wake up 7.30 the next morning. 

Off to Ohio with Alois (Germany), Martin Germany), Krasimir and Heath (Australia). A stop in Starbucks and straight to Cedar Point.

Cedar Point is 1.47 km² amusement park located in Sandusky, Ohio on a peninsula jutting into Lake Erie. Cedar Point is the only amusement park with four roller coasters that are taller than 61 m. As of 2010, Cedar Point has more rides (75) than any other amusement park.

It was a pity that the day was really windy so at first some of the attractions were closed and that made the lines to other attractions really long. It was a little annoying we could not ride ALL the exciting ones, which means we HAVE to go back there someday.. But, the ones we rode were excellent, and the last one, that almost gave me a heart attack and was worth it all!!!! "Top Thrill Dragster" goes to 193km/h in just 4 seconds, and goes straight up to air in at the angle of 90degrees and it is not even sure if it completes the ride or falls back... that gives the moment of unexpected and the most thrilling feeling.. And the attraction kept breaking down all the time.. in the end we were so close.. so nervous and so excited, all the people were just holding their breath when one of the cars was shot out and hoping they will succeed... in the end we were the last car that was allowed on the ride, few seconds before midnight.. we seriously took a risk waiting, but it was so worth it, I was shaking of adrenaline when we got off that thing!

Another example how easy to scare I am, there was a carnival in the park and we were walking through the smoky dark streets with creepy lights and oh I screamed when some actor boo-d at me.. I hate I cannot hold that back because as more and more people learn that, they are just gonna use that against me!

We arrived to Cleveland, to our motel about 2am and passed out for about 4 hours, a quick breakfast, Starbucks!! and off to the boarder of Canada to see Niagara Falls. The city of Niagara Falls is a small town, which on the rainy, cold and windy day we got there seemed almost deserted. The Niagara Falls is the collective name for the Horseshoe Falls and the American Falls along with the small Bridal Veil Falls, which combined form the highest flow rate of any waterfalls in the world and has a vertical drop of more than 50 meters. Horseshoe Falls is the most powerful waterfall in North America. Niagara Falls forms the international border between the Canadian province of Ontario and the U.S. state of New York. The falls are located 27 km north-northwest of Buffalo, New York and 121 km south-southeast of Toronto, between the twin cities of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, New York. We took a tour in the city, so we could have the boat trip into the middle of the waterfalls, could go into the cave and feel the water from the most powerful waterfall fall on us and also see the beautiful landscapes and views of that scenic little town! Yes even on a rainy day the views were breathtaking! And then a long way back, more than 6 hours of driving, we talked about absolutely everything and even didn't get that sleepy, altho that was probably caused by cold, to avoid Krasimir falling asleep. Near Pittsburgh, it felt almost like at home. Then the gps decided to play a prank on us, we made a circle around Pittsburgh and ended up driving back in a weird road, at some point we were certain we're gonna end up in DC.

In Niagara Falls a random guy asked me where I'm from and I automatically answered West Virginia.. He was surprised that my accent didn't sound west virginian at all.. I was like.. oh.. yes.. originally from Estonia.

I had not seen a good horror movie in a long time! "Insidious". We were watching it downstairs at night, lights shut, and were all creeped out.. it's a sick movie!! In an honor of americans favorite coming holiday – Halloween – we had to continue our horror movie marathon. Watched "1408" The movie seriously messes with your head! And definitely has its scary moments. Anastasia (Spain) and Chris were kind of calm, but me, Emnet and Saron (Israel) jumped a lot! After that "Wrong turn"s, the first one is classic the others are not that good, for example the 3rd was pretty shitty, we didn't finish them and had other discussions in the same time, so they were just a disgusting entertainment! Why we watched them in the first place, they are filmed here in West Virginia, about half an hour from us!

And I survived my first hayride.. barely! Some West-Virginia wilderness with Krasimir's fraternity. Crazy is not enough of a word here! We went to the Kappa Alfa house, Krasimir gave me a tour in the frat house, it's huge and pretty modern and comfy! The pre-party was downstairs in a special "party-room". 7.45pm we started in those cute yellow school-buses from Mountainlair. Partying continued in the buses, the ride was not long, about 30 minutes, but for some reason... everybody needed to use the restrooms that bad, the moment the buses stopped, everybody just ran! We were on a field somewhere, there was a huge tent, put the music on, danced, drinking continued.. and the point was to get everybody drunk to enlarge the emotions.. It completely worked. We were all sitting in an open truck, driving around, it was fun.. until we reached the fright farm. Were forced to enter a house, after what another mansion, some open gardens, mazes.. you name it.. the guys discovered pretty soon that I get scared easily, so they forced me to go first in some creepy tunnels.. they hold onto me, but still, it got to me, it was so so funny in the beginning, but later.. I don't know if it was the horror movies we watched previous nights or the farm really is that scary.. in the end I broke free and just ran straight into the forest, luckily still found my way back to the tent.. Sat around the bonfire and calmed down, but when we got back to town a little after midnight, Mountainlair was still opened, grabbed some free food and went to Bent Willey's as other people from I-House were there celebrating Yuki's (Japan) birthday. Emnet told me I was still really out of it, when I got there.

Sunday was hot, the sun was frying us on the green while we were watching guys play soccer, sadly this was the end of mini world cup, they still played good, we had players missing and the opponents were pretty decent, but the rules were off and the referee was biased.

Later went for Halloween shopping with Emnet, Vivi and her friend Serena. She is a crazy, fun american girl with lots of attitude. There is a huge halloween store in the old mountaineer mall, was interesting to watch high school girls out shopping for costumes with their moms or grandmas, they were trying on the sluttiest costumes and their parents approved and praised their decisions. Also there were people in their 50's, who were trying on pretty extreme stuff, Halloween really is for everybody and it is hu-u-uge in US. Was fun to try on weird costumes ourselves, and all the accessories.. beautiful! The scary thing is, I'm still unsure what I'm gonna be and the celebration is within a week. Pre parties start from tomorrow.. yes tuesday and a week before - there's a Halloween night at Shooters.

Sunday evening was a Maltese culture night. Sorry, but it was the worst we have had. Considering the previous dramas, the vibe was wrong, plus, they were very late, everybody was hungry as hell.. the evenings are cold outside and they managed to burn the brochettes and set off the fire alarm, which meant, everybody outside! They almost did it the second time. Food in the end was good, but everything else was just off.

Chris downloaded a bunch of new creepy movies. Watched "Jason X: friday the 13th". We had fun with it, but it's not really worth your time, another teen-horror movie. BUT! One good one: "The Orphanage". An excellent horror movie! It was a jumpy, of course I managed to scream, this time mainly because of Vivi. The end will surprise you, or shock, or at least leave an impression! For some reason spanish movies are always kind of twisted, at least the ones I have seen. Oh yes, it was in spanish, with english subtitles but still a good way to recall and practice the language. The thriller is balanced with the drama, it's both beautiful and tragic!

HAPPY HALLOWEEN! My first halloween!! On friday went to Towers to work out and luckily to eat at Evansdale cafe, it turned out to be an international chocolate day and so there was a chocolate fountain with fresh pineapple and strawberries, we ate too much and "legally" stole some strawberries. At night off to party central, aka Kane's place, yes halloween is fun.. and later back downtown (had a great laugh at some of the costumes, people really get creative and even on the streets everybody is dressed up, regardless the weather), Drove back to Kane's with the guys, just talked and played some drinking games. While driving I was trying to change the channel on the radio, accidentally turned it to christian channel.. and outside there was a SNOWSTORM, yes, I'm not kidding, suddenly a snowstorm attacked the east coast! Out of nowhere, on a halloween night, when people have as less clothes on as possible. A week ago I was sunbathing... and today it was +15 C again.. Not sure what to think! Next morning woke up late, cleaned up the place and headed downtown, and in a couple of hours headed back to have a bbq (in the car, we were all holding our breath for WVU team in a football game, which was almost ending, they were down by three points, we were listening it on radio, there was a chance.. silence.. and a touchdown, we screamed, and there was another touchdown, and we screamed again, a beautiful win!), the meat was great and in the end Juen and Kane cooked some delicious Chinese food, while watching crazy dance videos and Russell Peters! Evening continued with another halloween bash!

On sunday I basically lived in the library.. until Kane called and we headed to a sushi bar, (the name I am not even trying to spell) with Emnet, Vivi, Tito, Kane and Tim. Rolls, sushi, sashimi.. purrrrfect! After that the I-House own Halloween costume party. Yes americans are crazy about halloween. Decorations, jack-o-lanterns, more pumpkin creations.. food.. everything halloween, like in the movies. And watched the classic "The Shawshank Redemption". This movie just got to me! Without a doubt one of the most brilliant movies I've seen. It reminded me a little of "Green mile" but is even more enchanting. No action, no special effects. It's cruel, it's raw.. about friendship, hopes and dreams.. Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman are perfect in their characters, as well as Gil Bellows. I can't believe I haven't seen it before, it's a movie from 1994 with imdb score of 9.2! 


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