After a long time of backpacking, buses and hostels or couches, we decided it's time for some luxury for a change. It was a first cruise for both me and Keiu. We booked it in September, before we left Estonia, mainly because it was actually very decently priced and it just fit into our itinerary as perfectly as can be. Faith? Maybe.
Thought it's gonna be this relaxing week of doing nothing and laying by the pool or on the beach. It was, but it was also so much more. I underestimated cruises. They are so much fun!
Norwegian Cruise Line is a Bermudian company operating cruise ships, headquartered in Miami, Florida. It began operations in 1966 under the name Norwegian Caribbean Line. The company is best known for its Freestyle Cruising concept, which means that there are no set times or seating arrangements for meals, nor is formal attire required. In cruise price a lot is included — a wide range of accommodations, delicious dining options, award-winning entertainment, exciting onboard activities, a variety of stateroom amenities and more.
The food on the ship was amazing, I'm not kidding, we gained 10 kilos during the 10 days probably. So much good food. On Sun there were two complementary restaurants and a buffet, that had different food every day and hosted theme nights like Mexican or Oriental etc. Also there were many regular restaurants, but for us, there really was no need or enough time to visit them. Entertainment was top class as well. The production cast of Norwegian was very entertaining and had different shows, in addition there were the Pampas Devils from Buenos Aires with a gorgeous tango showcase, the electrifying Elvy Rose who can sing anything and has more personality than one knows what to do with, quite interesting illusions show from Cripton and Renata, Hanna Starosta on violin, Luis Fernando on piano and a lot more. There were daytime activities and evening dance classes in all Latin styles! Yes! Also, every night there was a themed dance party either on the poolside, up on deck 11 or in Dazzles dance club. Dancing like crazy at the White Hot party at the poolside somewhere in Brazilian waters, under the stars, in the middle of the ocean, with a tropical breeze blowing, is something I'll remember for a long time.
When we booked the cruise there was a promotion of 'Free at Sea', where we would've got a free beverage package that included wine and beer for free on board. There was a mixup, so they had to communicate with the office and we ended up getting the package a few days later, but got an upgraded version that included unlimited free cocktails as well. Great cocktails as the bartenders on the ship were very skilled and so much fun to hang around with! Ultimate beverage package is with what one can enjoy the delicious drinks on the ship freely, without that cocktails are quite ridiculously overpriced, ranging from 10 to 18 dollars excluding tax, which is 18 % extra, and when reaching Brazilian waters, rises to 25 %.
The cruise started from Buenos Aires, Argentina and ended in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Meantime, we passed through Montevideo, Uruguay, (skipped Punta del Este because of stormy weather), Santos, Brazil, Ilha Grande, Brazil and Buzios, Brazil.
First up was Montevideo. Altho we had erached the capital of Uruguay it did not differ too much from Buenos Aires where we just had spent a week. The way they spoke, the vibe and general look of the city. Lovely. Just, Montevideo was horribly expensive, not that Buenos Aires had been cheap but we truly struggled even finding a place to have a beer. There are hidden gems in town for sure. But we were so tired of the tropical heat and walking around the whole day and just wanted a quick afternoon break close to port before heading back to the ship. Luckily there is the market area 'Mercado del Puerto' and 'Medio y Medio'.
Montevideo is the capital and the largest city of Uruguay. The population of Uruguay is roughly 3.5 million people of which over 50% live in the capital city. Montevideo was established in 1724 by a Spanish soldier Bruno Mauricio de Zabala. It is classified as a Beta World City, ranking seventh in Latin America and 73rd in the world, described as a "vibrant, eclectic place with a rich cultural life" and "a thriving tech center and entrepreneurial culture". By 2014, it is also said to be the tenth most gay-friendly city in the world.
La Rambla is the name of the extended boardwalk that spans the city. It's said to be the longest boardwalk in the world.
How we though there might be an observation deck on top of a high convention building.. We walked in, looked around, people were walking round, business as usual. It was mainly offices. We walked across the hall, took a business elevator up, confidently walked through another corridor of offices and up some stairs and there it was - an observation deck.. that was closed. Through huge glass windows the view was stil lpretty good though. We later discovered there is another elevator and an easier way up for civilians.
Pocitos beach.
Medio y medio, half champagne half white wine. It was originally served in bar Roldуs, in Mercado del Puerto, in 1880s. It’s considered to be the national drink of Uruguay. Medio y Medio specifies with refreshing, sweet, versatile, light taste - very easy to drink.
After Montevideo we had two and a half full-on sea days where there was no land, no internet, no connection. Just this view first thing every morning waking up and looking through the window.
When we finally saw land again, we had reached Brazil, Santos - the port town of Sao Paulo. Santos was founded in 1546 by the Portuguese nobleman Brás Cubas. It is partially located on the island of São Vicente, which harbors both the city of Santos and the city of São Vicente, and partially on the mainland. The population is estimated to be 433,966. The city is home to the Coffee Museum, where coffee prices were once negotiated and to a football memorial, dedicated to the city's greatest players including Pelé.
The coffee museum looks more like a cathedral and is one of the weirdest museums. It talks about coffee but more about everything else: Santos, Brazil, the history, random facts, the nature, geography.. you name it.
This historic antique Scottish, Italian and Portuguese streetcar with an attached open air carriage tours the historic city center. The three-mile ride over cobblestone streets passes Portuguese tile houses, the funicular that goes up to Monte Serrat, the Customs House and many other significant buildings.
After Santos we headed to Ilha Grande - a lush tropical paradise without a port, so to get to the shore we used tenders - small motorboats.
Ilha Grande is Portuguese for “Big Island” and this 193-km-squared chunk of land is located about a 1.5 hours ferry ride adrift of the Brazilian coast. It was first a leper's colony and after that, up until quite recently a political prison. Cândido Mendes high-security prison housed some of the most dangerous prisoners within the Brazilian penal system. It was closed in 1994. That is probably why that beautiful island has only recently developed as a tourist destination. There are no cars or concrete pavement on the island, boats are the main way to get around the island. Although, even close to the 'port' area, there is a lot to do. Hiking trails in the woods, a beautiful promenade with hidden beaches everywhere, beer cafes right on the beach. It's a little paradise and was probably my favourite stop on the cruise. There are also no atm's or banks on the island, there are a few of money exchanges, but I doubt the value is the best, just have cash!
An ice-cold natural pool in the middle of the forest. It's possible to slide into the 'pool' from the slippery rocks.
Last stop before the infamous Rio was Buzios, a lovely resort town. It is a popular getaway from the city and a worldwide tourist site, especially among Brazilians and Argentinians. Clear water, hot weather, clean beaches, direct contact with nature and scenic views.. Another paradise-like place, just a bit more touristy than Ilha Grande.
And finally Rio de Janeiro it was. We stayed on the ship for one more night after discovering the port area and the Olympic boulevard and disembarked the next day to wander around in the beautiful city for another week.
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