January has been a pretty chillax month after years of studying and working and months of traveling. Vacation of a vacation?! I've been doing things I have wanted to do for ages, for example took a photography course and got more serious about the idea of doing something with my camera, also, finally started playing (learning) ukulele which a close friend gave me as a gift a year ago, got back into dancing and working out in general, have been spending a lot of time with Sophie and my friends and family. Towards the end of the month also started job-hunting and will hopefully get some good news soon.
Like every year, January and February are movie months for me as it is the Academy Awards season. I have 15 movies on my list this year, altho like every year I will eventually probably skip a couple. I am not at all into space related movies and war movies demand a specific mood which I almost never am in. I have this far seen five films and appreciated all of them.
La La Land - this movie has gotten so much hype that I'm really grateful I saw it right when it came out. I enjoyed it. It is a beautiful film with soul, wit, charm, style and love. Like Whiplash, the editing is superb, and the musical score is great. Also, cinematography is fantastic. Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling are my longtime favorites, so I'm not even gonna stop there, and I enjoy jazz, a lot! It's a romantic musical, yet not too cheesy and the ending is what takes away the predictability.
Manchester by the Sea - the movie is very real and very raw and filmed so beautifully. It's extremely slow moving but doesn't bore you one bit. Shows life like life is, no unexpected out-of-nowhere happy endings, just a progressive human story. Amazing performance by Casey Affleck! (I've never really noticed that he looks so much like his brother.)
Elle - not a typical Hollywood film, very French. Very well cast and executed. It's quite shocking, often dark, yet all the serious drama is balanced with humorous happenings, satire and witty dialogues. It's safe to say, this isn't a typical film about rape so it might be quite disturbing. Isabelle Hupperts character is a very provocative, strong female lead who does everything her own way, it was interesting to watch.
Nocturnal Animals - it will leave you wondering after watching it. We were walking home with a friend after seeing it and kept examining and sharing our theories the whole way. Exciting and dark yet I'm still not sure if I really liked the movie or really didn't.
Moonlight - a breath of fresh air. Fights against categorising and labeling. The themes at play have rarely been given such a realistic rendering. The film grips from the very beginning, often hard to watch, very well acted, a human and universal story beautifully told.
Tuuli's birthday
In a month Tino went from not knowing what Estonia is to actually visiting the place!
Such a great cocktail place! Sigmund Freud Bar.
Jose Gonzalez performed at Nordea Concert Hall.
Mihkel Raud and Henrik Sal-Saller did a "Raud/Saller/2". Could listen to their stories and songs for a long time. Such an enjoyably fun Valentine's Day evening!
Cooked our own 'Locro' with Keiu. Literally. As we planned to actually follow the recipe for once, but thought the beginning couldn't be too hard, so boiled the potatoes first. When finally looked at the recipe, found out there were around 7 things one had to do before boiling the potatoes. On a positive note, our version of Locro was as delicious as we remembered the real one to be!
+ some Mexican food.
Sushitime at a new Japanese place 'Tokumaru Ramen & Sushi' in Solaris centre.
Dance Lovers favorite monthly event at Theatre NO-99 - dance camp! This Run the World dance was so so hot!
Had a little photography session with Ingrid. Weather was so cold that our fingers were blue for a long time after taking the photos.
To get warm we treated ourselves with some tacos, cake and chai latte.
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