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Showing posts from 2017


November 2017 When a trip to the picturesque cities of central Europe had been just a plan for far too long.

Gran's 90th + wedding in Helsinki

21-22 of October 2017

Rolling Stones in Sweden

11-15 of October 2017 I've always been to Stockholm, either for a day cruise, or just passing by flying somewhere through Arlanda. This time,  as we were already there for a concert, yes the legendary Rolling Stones, we decided to discover a bit as well.

Brussels, Belgium

2 - 4 of October 2017. It was a work-trip, but as I had never been to Brussels I was quite excited.

South of Estonia

25-27 of August, 2017. It is funny how one travels quite a lot, yet has never been to Setumaa or was last at Võru 10 years ago, which are situated in "the very far" end of my tiny homeland.


July 2017 Elsa summer law school: competition law

Positivus 2017

Summer is not complete without a music festival in it. I've been wanting to go to some of Europe's finest for some time, so, here's a promise: next year!!! Tho, Positivus will always stay a tradition. This year was 6th time for me. And there are awesome new finds every year! This year the setlist was overall amazing, especially sunday: The Lumineers, Jose Gonzales and Alt-J. The best new find for us was Rae Stremmurd. It might be old news for most but we got our favorite summer song out of it. I guess I don't have to say we had it playing non-stop after that.

Summer stories vol 1: June

June hasn't really reached any summery temperatures but global warming aside it has been a pretty great month. Besides I'm off to Cyprus in 2 days to bake myself in +48 C. 

Shadow 2017

It has been another wonderful season (actually half a season for me as I spent autumn in South-America).  Pieces of our training camp and performances:

Spring in pictures

because spring is one of the best seasons for taking photos:

Drawing a rainbow

Thursday June 8th 2017 Tallinn, Estonia Vat-Theatre Shadow Dance-studio "Drawing a rainbow" Come watch us perform  and give your contribution to charity as well. The event is free but there are donation-boxes. The amount raised goes for a children's fund "Aitan Lapsi". 

Movie minutes

" Palmeras en la Nieve " - it's more than a beautiful love story, it's life in art. Wonderful acting that brought depth to the characters and substance to the plot. Rarely a movie that lasts for 3 hours goes by so quickly. Fast and the Furious: " Fate of the Furious " - If you are a fan of the franchise, you'll love this chapter too, it has all the elements to love - the action, the cars, the explosions and bangs, the humor, the dialogue, the concept of love and family above all. It's 16 years since the first film. I have been a fan for almost that long, I'd say I saw the first one in 2003. Keep on coming. Also, the opening part in Cuba.. it is getting almost unbearable, how bad I wanna go to Cuba! " The Zookeeper's Wife " - Strong story, excellent performance. A celebration of ordinary heroes. About bringing hope and joy during the darkest and toughest of times. Make a difference - every day!

Winter stories vol 2

Stefano came to discover north-east, find polar-bears and freeze his nose off a little bit. I really enjoy this being a tourist and a tourguide at the same time in my own city.

Travel bug - just stumbled on this article.  It's exactly how I felt when I returned home from my first long-time travel from spending a year in the States. I was a mess. Since then tho, I have spent many other long periods abroad and loved it every single time, yet when back home have been able to integrate myself to everyday life quite quickly and painlessly. It's all about finding that balance, I have a lot in my home country than I'm happy and grateful about, so I feel content, yet she's also right, once you start, you can't shake the travel bug. At the back of my mind I have so many destinations (and they keep multiplying). It's a good feeling - planning, thinking, reading, knowing that sometime soon I'll go on a trip again. Shorter period or longer, but soon (and as often as possible). 

Winter stories vol 1

January has been a pretty chillax month after years of studying and working and months of traveling. Vacation of a vacation?! I've been doing things I have wanted to do for ages, for example took a photography course and got more serious about the idea of doing something with my camera, also, finally started playing (learning) ukulele which a close friend gave me as a gift a year ago, got back into dancing and working out in general, have been spending a lot of time with Sophie and my friends and family. Towards the end of the month also started job-hunting and will hopefully get some good news soon.  Like every year, January and February are movie months for me as it is the Academy Awards season. I have 15 movies on my list this year, altho like every year I will eventually probably skip a couple. I am not at all into space related movies and war movies demand a specific mood which I almost never am in. I have this far seen five films and apprecia...

Looking back on 2016

music, especially live events shenanigans with old friends and new DANCE beautiful sunsets GRADUATION from masters of law TRAVELS Amsterdam Nice  Monaco Colombia Ecuador and volunteering with the incredible All Hands Volunteers Peru  hiking the ancient Inca trail checking off quite some items on my bucket list, for example seeing the one and only Macchu Picchu conquering a mountaintop 5200 meters above sea level and then seeing that Bolivia Chile Argentina and falling in love with red wine having my mind blown by the power of nature so many times that I lost count Uruguay tropical island life cruise ship life  Brazil I'm so in love with traveling and have a thousand new destinations in mind but it is equally amazing to come back home an...